ProDAD Mercalli V4 Suite for EDIUS ESD *EDIUS 7/7.5/8 ONLY*
ProDAD Mercalli V4 Suite for EDIUS - Includes Mercalli V4 Stabilizr plugin, cmosFIXR plugin, Mercalli V4 SAL+ standalone. * EDIUS 7/7.5/8 ONLY *
The new Mercalli V4 Plug-ins for EDIUS!
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Highlights of the new Plug-ins and Improvements over Mercalli Version V2:
Examples  WITHOUT  stabilization, CMOS correction only:   |
 Sound familiar? You’ve stabilized your video but the following issues remain:
The reason for this is that almost all action cameras, DSLR cameras and many pro cams rely on CMOS imaging sensors. When cameras with CMOS sensors are subjected to shaking or vibrations the recorded images are often full of CMOS distortions like wobble, jello, vibration jitter, and skew. These issues are a real challenge for typical video stabilizers, which can smooth bumps and shakes, but can’t do anything for CMOS distortions. Only Mercalli V4 is able to correct BOTH shakes & CMOS distortions – and its automatic! Have a look at the video on the left hand side, you will see what ONLY correcting CMOS distortions in the video looks like. Notice there is virtually no zoom-in.  |
 First remove CMOS distortions and look forward to better overall video quality. Jitter and wobble-free video is a critical first-step before applying any stabilization to further correct undesirable camera movements! Forget worrying about vibration, shakes, or complicated mounting devices. Don’t get frustrated with expensive or heavy gyros or gimbals, which are not able to remove CMOS distortions and shorten battery life (if you’re shooting from an aerial plane/copter) due to added weight. Forget incam stabilization, which only decreases the video resolution, often does a sub-optimal job of stabilizing, and can’t correct CMOS distortions. Simply mount the camera wherever you want on whatever you want and focus on getting that fantastic shot  – leave the stabilizing and distortion corrections to Mercalli V4  Treat yourself to the best stabilization available.  |
Examples for CMOS-Correction  PLUS  stabilization:   |
Features at a glance / Version comparison
 |  |  |
 | Mercalli V4 Plugin Suite for EDIUS | Mercalli V2 Plugins |
Improvements | Â | Â |
Fully automatic stabilisation | ok | - |
Manual customisation options | ok | Limited |
Overlay information | ok | - |
Analysis speed | Optimized | Limited |
Image sharpness result | Optimized | Limited |
Interlace processing | ok | Limited |
Fisheye material processing | ok | - |
Zoom-in requirement for stabilisation | Low | High |
Part stabilisation of clips | ok | - |
One-click multi-clip analysis | ok | - |
10-bit support | ok | - |
Stereoscopic 3D | ok | - |
Multi-core + multi-threading | ok | - |
GPU support (if present) | ok | - |
Automatic CMOS correction | Â | Â |
Skew | ok | Limited |
Vibration | ok | - |
Wobble/Jello | ok | - |
Advanced CMOS Tools | ok | - |
Stabilisierung | Â | Â |
3D (X,Y,Z axis stabilization) | Enhanced | ok |
Dynamic Zoom-in | ok | - |
SmartBorder Options | Enhanced | ok |
Stabilize warped (fisheye) image | Enhanced | Limited |
Profile | Â | Â |
Universal Camera | ok | ok |
Glide Camera | ok | ok |
Rock-steady Camera | ok | ok |
Action Cam | ok | - |
Forensic Camera | ok | - |
Action Camera Optics Profiles | ok | - |
Editing Tools | Â | Â |
Clip Trimming | ok | - |
Clip Rotation | ok | - |
Storyboard clip merging | ok | - |
Full resolution Preview | ok | - |
Video de-noising & sharpening | ok | - |
GPU Support | ok | - |
Batch analysis of clips in media bin | Enhanced | - |
Easy Storyboard function | ok | - |
Export Formats | Â | Â |
H.264/AVC - MP4 | ok | - |
H.264/AVC - MOV | ok | - |
H.265/HEVC - MOV | ok | - |
MJPEG - MOV | ok | - |
Apple ProRes - MOV | ok | - |
Apple Lossless Audio Codec (ALAC) | ok | - |
AAC | ok | ok |
AC-3 | ok | - |
PCM | ok | - |
Import Formats | Â | Â |
Container | MP4, QuickTime, MXF, MKV | - |
Codec | AVC/264, HEVC/265 | - |
File Types | .mov; .mpg; .mpeg; .mp4; .mts; .m2t; .m2ts; .m2v; .avi; .wmv;.mxf; .vob; .vcd; .3gp;Â .mkv; .jpg; .tif; .png; .tga; .gif; .bmp; .dpx | - |
System requirements | Â | Â |
NLE | GV EDIUS 7.0, 8.0 | GV EDIUS NEO 2.x, 3.x GV EDIUS 5.x, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0 |
Windows 64/32 bit: Vista, Win7, Win8, Win8.1, Win10, 4GB RAM, graphics card with 512MB u.Shader 3.0 Recommended for real-time application: Windows 64/32 bit: i7 CPU with 3 GHz and 8 cores, 12GB main memory, For Stabilizr: Good graphics card with 512MB, Shader 3.0 with fast bus For CmosFixr: Very good graphics card with 1GB Shader 3.0 with super-fast bus. |
Windows 64 Bit/ 32 Bit: Vista, Win7, Win8, Win8.1, Win10, 2GB-memory, recommended: i7-CPU, 6 GB memory, Editing application required |